Modern Wine Cellars

For those individuals with more modern sensibilities and personal taste, a modern wine cellar is the ideal place to store your growing collection. Defying conventional beliefs of what makes a “real wine cellar,” more and more people are choosing to incorporate a modern wine cellar into their home or establishment. Whereas traditional wine cellars tend to use a combination of textured stone walls and timeless woodwork, modern wine cellars often contain smooth and shiny metallic elements that focus more on simplicity and elegance.

Modern wine cellars are defined by their clean and sleek aesthetic; straight lines and clear, distinct shapes are usually used to present a minimalistic approach to wine storage. Unlike traditional wine cellars, modern wine cellars often use metal, cable or acrylic wine racking systems however, contemporary wooden wine cellars are also commonplace depending on preference and design.

A modern wine cellar can be a great compliment to your home or establishment and the perfect place to house your growing wine collection. For those seeking a stylish modern wine cellar that gives off a sleek and minimalist feel, a modern wine cellar by Papro Wine Cellars & Consulting may be exactly what you need! For more information, please call 1.866.651.9229 or email [email protected].


Papro Wine Cellars