10 Dec Tips To Improve the Taste of Your Wine
This generation has immersed itself in wine culture and has accepted wine as part of social customs. For this reason, oenophiles of all ages want to ensure they are doing everything they can to optimize their experience. A casual drink at a restaurant is just a part of the experience—now, wine lovers are routinely installing wine cellars in their homes.
Today, it’s not enough just to have a significant wine collection. The goal is to have supreme-tasting wine too. This involves setting the ideal storage conditions as well as some other tactics to ensure fine wine remains that way.
Aging Wine Tastefully
You’ve no doubt heard the phrase “aging like fine wine.” While it’s certainly true that wine can improve with age, it’s important to know that the potential for white wine to improve with age is different from that of red wine.
White wines are typically made with very little skin contact and that is a limiting factor in its ability to improve with age. White wines that do have a better potential for aging are those that have a low pH level (meaning they are more acidic), such as Chardonnay. White wines with high pH levels (meaning low acidity) tend not to age as well.
Red wines require high levels of phenolics and tannins, which are flavour compounds, in order to maximize their taste potential when aging. The tannins in red wine behave like the acidity in white wine; they increase the wine’s potential for tasteful aging.
Proper Wine Storage Considerations
There are several factors you as a wine collector should consider in order to optimize and preserve the taste of your wine. Much of it has to do with proper wine storage techniques.
Temperature and Time
Wine should ideally be stored at a maximum of 18º Celsius and a minimum of 7º Celsius. For bottles you intend on storing only one or two years, it is suggested you store them at temperatures closer to 18º C. This will allow the bouquet (the tertiary aroma of the wine) to mature and develop. Wines you intend on storing longer should be kept at temperatures closer to 7º C. Humidity should also be considered, with ideal levels being between 50% and 70%.
Bottle Positioning
The angle at which the bottle is stored is another important factor. Corks are made of bark, which dries and begins to crumble if it doesn’t remain moist. Storing your wine bottles horizontally or at a slight angle ensures your cork stays wet and minimizes the chances of air getting into the bottle. Oxygen is one of the elements that can spoil wine, so if a cork does dry out and begins to deteriorate; it is more than likely that the wine will become compromised.
Lighting and Ventilation
Lighting and ventilation should also be taken into consideration since they can also negatively impact on the taste and quality of wine. Wine should be kept away from direct sunlight and fluorescent lighting, which can actually penetrate dark wine bottles and ruin the wine. Low wattage LED lights that do not emit any heat are recommended to preserve the integrity of your wine. Proper air flow and strategic ventilation also helps to prevent the potential formation of mould in your wine cellar.
Many factors should be considered when it comes to storing wine and ensuring it maintains its fine quality and taste. If these various elements are respected, you will be much more likely to appreciate and enjoy the full gamut of flavours and scents associated with well-aged wine.
Papro Wine Cellars and Consulting understands how to convert ordinary spaces into extraordinary wine cellars that will protect and preserve the quality of your wine. We have 20 years of construction experience, with nearly a decade dedicated specifically to building custom wine cellars. We know how to identify the right location for the cellar within your home and specialize in creating environments that are conducive to storing quality wines. For more information, contact us today.